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How to Create a GIF for Instagram (Step-by-step Tutorial)

If you’re anything like me and enjoy expressing your every thought in the form of a GIF, then welcome – you’re in the right place! I absolutely love using GIFs to connect with my audience on LinkedIn and on YouTube and with my students on Skillshare and especially on Instagram, in my ads and inside of my posts.

And definitely also within Instagram stories. And by the end of this video tutorial, you’ll know exactly how to create your own hilarious GIFs to use in your posts and your stories and your emails and your ads, and anywhere else that you want to use them.

And also have them be discoverable for other people to use your GIFs inside of anywhere that has the Giphy integration. So that would be Instagram stories, Facebook messenger, even Canva, or basically anywhere else on the internet that Giphy has an integration.

Ready to get started? Click play on the video below now!



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Hey there! I’m Maggie Stara.

I’m a caffeine-enthusiast whose guilty pleasure is happy-crying while watching highlights of America’s Got Talent golden buzzer moments.

And my mission is to continue to create affordable and accessible digital marketing education which changes lives.

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